Thursday, 9 October 2008

SM60 and PST

Back on the 6th October I finally got some time to look at the problems with the EC90. Found that the objective was still mis-aligned and causing focus problems! I can't do much with it unless I remove the SS objective and make up a new front end which will allow better control of the centering/ collimation.I've set up the old Vixen A80Mf to accept the front end adaptor plate and the SM60/BF15. Only had a few minutes before going away to check it out but it looked REALLY good.So why not try to fit the PST etalon as well??The first trial were with the Vixen stopped down to 60mm ( no ERF)Couldn't focus the PST "black body", although the etalon was well inside focus ( the new TS Crayford helped!) I thought I was 10-15mm too far out. Time to cut the tube?????What about re-configuring the adaptors and see what happens?Well, well, well at a back distance of 175mm (from the back face of the PST etalon body) everything came into focus.The set-up was: the German PST etalon front adaptor, PST etalon, 50mm to SCT thread adaptor, SCT to 2" adaptor, 2" to 1 1/4" reducer and then the BF15.The views very absolutely fantastic, The surface granulation and "hot spots" just jumped out. The best images I've ever viewed with the PST etalon. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!Unfortunately it clouded over before I could add the SM60 to the front end, but weather permitting tomorrow's the day.I feel that things are finally coming together!! Until I can find the time ( and now the inclination!) to re-work the EC90, I think the Vixen 80/ERF/PST/BF15 will be great fun; and when you add the SM60, double stack, I'm sure magic will happen!!

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